What Is The New Trend In Industry: Industry 4.0?


Nowadays, it has been noticed that Industry 4.0 has been on everyone’s mouth. So let us understand what this Industry 4.0 refers to. Industry 4.0 is nothing but the 4th industrial revolution and it is mainly concerned about the area for which classification is not included under the industry application. You must have heard about the invention of steam power, mechanization, and waterpower; those were nothing but the initial phase of the first industrial revolution.

After these encounters, the 2nd industrial revolution, during this time the assembly lines and mass production with the help of electricity was one of the main approaches. Then comes the third industrial revolution where the use of electronics, I.T system, and automation came into the picture. Thus, now comes the 4th industrial revolution, which is more focused on the 3rd industrial revolution along with the cyber-physical system.

Technologies Include In Industry 4.0

You can easily accept the fact that industry 4.0 was more concerned with automation and also the data exchange in technical world. Mentioned below are certain technologies, which are included in industry 4.0.

  • The Industrial Internet Of Things
  • Cognitive Computing
  • Cyber-Physical System
  • Smart Factories
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Cloud Computing

You will find it amazing to know that automation creates manufacturing systems, which are completely wireless and also connected. Moreover, you will find that they also include sensors to monitor which helps to visualize the whole manufacturing and make autonomous choices. How to determine whether your business is ready for Industry 4.0 or not? For this, you need to go through the checklist and determine whether your business is ready to move to industry 4.0 (industry 4.0, which is the term in Thai) or not.

  • The first thing is industry 4.0 is completely for a tech-savvy player.
  • Get a chance for better visibility that is required for the supply chain.
  • Identify and also address the issue before they turn out to be a big problem for you.
  • The main thing is you must boost efficiency across your organization.
  • You will also have to enhance the quality of the product.
  • Customer satisfaction as well as the customer experience should be enhanced.
  • Get real-time insight, as it helps to get a faster decision about the business.

If you find that you satisfy most of the points that are discussed above then you must move your business to Industry 4.0.