Top Lockdown Working Tips For Employees In Regulated Sectors 


The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) shook the whole world as it infected over 10.8 million in 210 countries and killed more than 518,000 people. In an attempt to prevent the further spread of the virus, affected countries have taken safety measures such as lockdown, quarantine, and social distancing. Nonetheless, it brought the world to a complete standstill.

As a result, it has also created drastic effects on social and economic fronts.Since the lockdown, businesses of all sizes havefaced an enormous range of challenges. Different companies became unable to operate and forced to close their premises.Many individuals even have to file for unemployment. 

On the other hand, some companies that were able to get their employees to work from home, introducing a whole load of problems for the remote workers. One of the most common issues is cabin fever. 

People on lockdown are experiencing cabin fever from the sudden shift of a socially active lifestyle to a more limited and isolated way of life. It can lead to experiencing symptoms such as extreme restlessness, hopelessness, and depression. Remote workers have different ways to cope with cabin fever and stay productive while they’re working.

More than cabin fever, employees that are transitioning to work at home may be at risk for regulatory noncompliance. Most sectors rely on text messaging, and voice calls to communicate and conduct business. Business owners and employees in regulated industries are well-aware of responsibilities such as to archive text messages and capture voice calls that are business-related for compliance. 

This infographic by TeleMessage gives a few tips on how work-from-home workers can adjust to their new life indoors and still comply with regulations.

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