Things To Know Before You Start Your Advertising And Marketing Firm In Turkey


Turkey has experienced significant development in the past few decades. Many industries in the country have grown exponentially during this phase. One sector that has become significantly prominent on the global map is the marketing and advertising sector.

If you have plans to start a marketing and advertising company here, you should take steps to bring your dream into reality before your company establishment in Turkey. The biggest advantage of setting up a marketing firm in the country is its big consumer market. Turkey has one of the biggest European consumer markets. With most industries flourishing in the country, your chances of getting new customers at regular intervals will be pretty high. 

The scope is so immense in Turkey that even foreign investors can start marketing and advertisement firms here. However, for doing so successfully, you must abide by certain regulations. These are regulations enforced by the country’s Advertising Law. For your information, the government has recently amended this law. Read on to know more about the law and the registration method advertising agencies in Turkey should follow. 

How to Register Your Advertising Firm in Turkey? 

First, you’ll need to register your advertising agency with the Turkish Trade Register. Next, your job will be to list the services your company will offer. The list will have to be submitted to the country’s Advertising Board for approval. The entire marketing and advertising market of Turkey is governed by this Advertising Board. You are free to begin operations the moment you get the Advertising Board’s approval. 

Regulations an Advertising Agency in Turkey Must Follow  

You already know that recently the Turkish government has amended the country’s Advertising Law. The most prominent regulations a marketing/advertising company in the country must abide by following this amendment are:

  • They should never carry out any marketing or advertising activities that are offensive 
  • Advertisements must always offer authentic information and speak the truth about products and/or services promoted by them 
  • Advertising agencies must seek special permission for placing ads on buildings in form of flyers and billboards
  • Marketing companies are allowed to offer various services online, through websites and social media platforms 

Some significant changes have also taken place in the regulations to be followed when marketing food products. The government has made the changes to prevent low-quality goods from getting unwarranted publicity. 

If you want to ensure that you are investing in an advertising agency abiding by all necessary regulations, you must hire a professional to guide you. The professional will make the process much simpler for you. Additionally, your chances of making a good profit will increase significantly. 

If you are wondering how to find an expert who can help you to invest in a Turkish advertising firm, visit It’s a consulting firm known for helping foreign investors interested in Turkish companies. The experts representing Foreign Operation Consultancy can also help you to set up your own ad agency in Turkey and become operational within a very short period. You will not need to wait much for registrations and approvals when working with Foreign Operation Consultancy.