Things To Do When You Don’t Have Calls Or Events


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    As a photographer, there will be times when you are not on the job. Those moments can prove to be quite call center training useful in many ways. Let’s give you some tips on things you can do in such moments.

    1. Update Your Online Presence

    Look for your name, followed by your activity in the internet search engines, and check the links. Review the portfolio you have online and update it with your best and new photographs.

    1. Accommodate, Clean And Backup Your Files

    It’s a great time to check out those hard drives and decide which files to keep and which ones to say goodbye to. Back up your material and update your cloud, remember that it is better to prevent than to wait for one of your discs to die and break your heart.

    1. Edit and Deliver Pending Photos

    We are always taking photos, taking portraits, or recording family events. So, spend some time reviewing, editing, and sharing those photos you promised and haven’t had time to deliver. Take time to close cycles and remove earrings from your back.

    1. Give Your Business Time

    There are times to sow and others to harvest, so if you don’t have events or calls right now, it can be a great time to question your business and work on those things that don’t make you happy, maybe it will be improving your brand image, perhaps your social networks, your lack of portfolio or a thorough review of your income against your expenses.

    1. Inventory and clean your equipment

    It is an excellent time to accommodate and label your computer, whether it is cables, lights, tripods, cameras, etc. You must know what equipment you have, which will help you understand what you should replace or send to maintenance soon. Also, you will have everything ready for your next call in an order and prepared to get the most out of it. You can learn more from