Why You Should Hire A Public Adjuster


What is the purpose of why hire a public adjuster? If you have been having problems with your insurance carrier, you may have hired one at least once. If an adjuster had a dollar for each time that he or she has requested why one of customers has hired a public Adjuster, let s say for a hundred dollars, that would have some extra dollars in hand. While there are numerous reasons why a person may decide to hire a public Adjuster to help them with their claim, there are usually three main reasons that come through the top most ones.

First, the person who is requesting the adjustment is under the impression that they may be liable for an uninsured loss. This type of loss is when an individual is injured while on the property. The person then files a claim against the insured party. Now the insured party will settle with the individual who has filed the claim and who is being held liable. The only way that this claim can be paid off is if the public adjusters can reduce it to a certain sum. Since the adjusters have to cut costs by not hiring private lawyers and underwriting all of the potential legal action, most people prefer to have the public adjusters handle it.

Second, in the event that the final judgment is not made against the insurance carrier, the person who has filed the claim still has the right to take the matter to court. Now the insurance carrier will have to hire another adjuster. This new adjuster will be responsible for handling all of the remaining claims. Third and last, if a final judgment has been made, it is very difficult for the insurance carrier to work out any type of payment arrangements with either the defendant or the plaintiff. Usually a defendant will agree to make a settlement or payment plan and the plaintiff will often agree to accept a settlement out of court, saving the insurance carrier money in litigation and allowing them to continue to cover the cost of insurance.

When considering whether to have an insurance company or a National Fire Adjustment Business work directly with the defendant or plaintiffs, you need to keep all three considerations in mind. First, it is important that you know that there is a possibility the result will be a fair settlement. Second, you need to know that hiring an independent professional can often times be more advantageous to the plaintiff than to the defendant because they do not have as much emotional involvement with the case.

If you have filed a claim against your auto insurance company, lucy company, or other insurance provider, you have probably received letters from a “friendly” insurance broker. These letters usually ask you a series of questions and then suggest that you contact the adjuster directly. What you need to remember is that the broker does not have the authority to make decisions on your claim unless the broker is also a member of a legitimate organization. Brokers are independent contractors. Therefore, you do not need to get paid by the carrier to get paid by the adjuster.

There are many professional indemnity organizations in Florida who work with claims on a contingency fee basis. This means that the public adjusters fees are non-recourse. It does not matter if the claim is denied, the claim is being pursued, or the claim is being contested. Your fees will not be waived. In addition to their fees, they are entitled to be paid their regular fee for processing your claim and serving your legal papers.

If your insurance company or broker is representing you, they have likely been instructed by the carrier to take your claim without any input from you. In other words, you have given up your right to an advocate in order to get what you deserve. If you are represented by your insurance company, you have a right to speak to a carrier’s adjuster about the claim and about the process. You have the right to see firsthand whether or not your adjuster has your best interest at heart.

If you have questions regarding a claim that has been filed against you or your company, you need to contact the Palm Beach county Public Insurance Program immediately. The PIP office has number of agents who are ready to take your claim and help you get through it as quickly and efficiently as possible. If you have questions regarding a claim that has been filed against you or your company, you need to contact the Palm Beach county Public Insurance Program immediately.

National Fire Adjustment Co.
1100 S Service Rd #222,
Stoney Creek, ON L8E 0C5